
We are an engineering-led team based in
San Francisco, CA

What we believe

We believe that location matters. The world is distributed and heterogeneous. Reducing the distance between context, actions, and results leads to better decisions and outcomes.

Given this, the most impactful problems will be solved on the edge — where the digital touches the natural world.

What we do

We make products that enable the use of digital technology in the harshest environments.

We’re focused on creating the most robust distributed database for the edge; one that empowers technology companies to deploy complex systems, AI models and devices anywhere in the world.

Join us

Who we are

Grant Pierce

Software Engineer

Grant is a developer on the Core team, implementing the Delta database. Prior to Bruinen he was at Goldman Sachs and before that a Philosophy major at Stanford University.

Tyler Dammann


Tyler leads Product at Bruinen, he's also a prolific engineer having earned his CS degree from Stanford University. He started his career at Bain and Company, and continued it at Lithic.

Zo Mendez

Head of Strategic Operations & Growth

Zo leads Strategic Operations & Growth at Bruinen. This follows a successful acquisition of Chargehound by PayPal, where Zo was employee #5.

Tevon Strand-Brown


Tevon is the CEO of Bruinen. Previously, he Cofounded OXO, a carsharing company and raised nearly $10m from Founders Fund and other investors. He left after OXO had crossed 10,000 daily rentals. Before that, he worked at Palantir. He also holds a CS degree from Stanford University.


  • Protagonist
Brad Burnham
Zach Sims
Celine Halioua
... and more

© 2024 Bruinen Technologies Incorporated. Proudly built in California.

1841 Market Street, San Francisco CA 94109